Broken Relationship – Business Case for Supplier Relationship Termination
What we deliver
Clear options. A clear business case outlining the strengths and weaknesses of your evidence to terminate your supplier relationship, alongside a plan to assure a safe landing of your services.
How you will benefit
Clarity of benefits against commercial risks. This structured approach to developing a business case for an early termination of your supplier relationship will help you to sanity check the pros and cons of whether an early termination is the correct approach, or whether remediation should be re-attempted.
Will you really be better off? Part of the business case development for early termination is to assess the degree to which other suppliers will be able to deliver a fit for purpose service within the financial, operational and time constraints you are working to.
Key contents of the business case for termination
Business outcomes to be achieved
BPG work with you so that internal stakeholders are clear on the outcomes to be achieved, taking a ‘safe landing into the new supplier first’, ‘responsibility later’ approach.
The commercial outcome
We help to bring clarity to whether you want (a) just to walk away, (b) reclaim monies paid to the supplier, (c) claim damages for organisation disruption or (d) a combination.
Terminate for breach or convenience?
We help you assure whether your evidence supports termination for breach or whether termination for convenience would be a more appropriate route.
Operational contract considerations
Your business case should also include what happens to other areas such as software licences, intellectual property and exit and transition support to a new supplier.
Type of financial claim
In simple terms, you can claim for your money back, or for the financial benefits you would have received had the service been successful. We’ll help you determine the approach.
Plan ‘B’ (fall-back planning)
Our experience of over 500 complex relationships, means that its rare for formal legal proceedings to be necessary. However, it’s wise to have this as part of your business case.
‘In-flight’ projects
Most complex relationships usually have some in-flight work-in-progress. We’ll help you take account of this in your business case planning for termination.
New supplier relationships
We’ll help you assess the fitness for purpose, cost and time scales of any new supplier relationships you need to consider as part of your business case.
Business Case for Termination is only one element of the BPG ‘Optimise’ method
Evidenced by over 500 complex relationships, it can be implemented quickly to improve service innovation and drive down BAU costs

Share Great Practice
Experience of over 500 complex supplier relationships, means we can share great practice with you that really works.
Drive maximum value
Business Case for Termination helps support the 10 characteristics that drive maximum value in complex supplier relationships.
A brilliant project outcome
This is part of the ‘Optimise’ process; a proven method assuring a brilliant project outcome and an excellent supplier relationship.
5 steps to a great new relationship
See the 5 steps to making sure new complex supplier relationships work really well.
Clients that we support
Most of our clients are already highly experienced in complex supplier relationships. Click here to see how we help them take complex supplier relationships to the next level.