The BPG ‘Optimise’ Method is evidenced from over 500 complex supplier relationships. It shows there are 8 characteristics present in every successful complex relationship. We can help you successfully implement these quickly to improve service innovation, supplier relationships and drive down BAU costs.
Click here to see how the ‘Optimise’ process can help you drive maximum value in your strategic supplier relationships.
We’ve dealt with optimising over 500 complex supplier relationships. More than 50% of complex supplier relationships experience misunderstandings between client and supplier over your requirements and expectations.
If the right foundations are not in place to drive maximum value, you may experience:
This is a challenging time for the UK Government generally. In particular, with improving outcomes for those that use public services during the last 10 years of austerity. Each government department is trying hard to respond to the issues being faced, and preparing for the likely on-going challenges of the future.
With ongoing financial restraint, the government looks to deliver services in new ways and with fewer resources, through greater delegation to local bodies, partnerships with the private and third sector, and with digital technology. Such significant level of change brings with it opportunities for efficiency but also risks to value for money and service delivery. At the same time, the uncertainties created by Brexit place further strain on government resources. Successfully meeting these challenges will depend greatly on government capability and effective prioritisation. These challenges include:
Reducing Service Costs, Better Innovation and Collaboration
The move to digital channels across central government is forcing the more strategic suppliers to come up with new innovations. In turn, this is forcing government to collaborate more effectively, not only with key suppliers, but also with cross-departmental working and shared services. The stakeholder management across these groups is extensive. But when the innovation and collaboration works, it works remarkably well to operate new ways of working and driving out extensive BAU costs.
It’s gone wrong. You need help to exit a relationship early and safely transition to another.